Since I missed posting a Mid-Month Make something in August, I'm combining it with my end of the month rhyme. I love to garden and give gifts from my garden at Christmas time. This year I tried something new: pickled green beans. I tried them a few months ago at a friends house. She served them with cheese and crackers and other finger foods. I loved them and decided to grow and make some for myself. I'll share her recipe with you. But first I want to share my rhyme for August.
I love to garden come summer time
I grow some food to save a dime.
I plant some seeds in my yard
When I came to harvest in the fall,
My corn was sparse, my spuds were small.
So this year, despite the late May frosts,
I decide to tally all of my costs.
I figured my salary at minimum wage,
adding costs of plant food and a tomato cage.
I’d discovered I’d done my wallet a big disfavor.
But when I sat down to supper, I savored the flavor.
4 lbs of gresh green beans, snipped and cleaned
8-16 heads of fress dill
8 cloves garlic
1/2 cup canning or pickling salt (non-iodized)
4 c whiet vinegar (5%)
4 c water
1 tsp hot red pepper flakes
Place beans, 1 clove garlic, and 2 heads of dill in pint jars, leaving 1/2 " head space.
Combine salt, vinegar, water and peppers in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.
Add hot solution to beans, leaving 1/2" headspace. Adjust lids and process in boiling water canner for 10 minutes.
Yeild: 8 pints