With the coming of this new year comes a commitment from me to do better at posting on my blog. My major house renovation is almost complete. We hope to be finished by the end of this month. We have to be finished by mid February. We've sold our currently home and have to be out by Feb. 19. That said, by the end of February I hope to have my life settle back down to normal. Which includes lots of writing. I can't believe that I have worked almost daily on fixing up the bank-owned house we purchase in November of 2013. If I could have invested the same number or hours that I spent up at that other house into writing, I would have a blog with tons of followers, not to mention several best sellers in the form of novels. (It doesn't hurt to dream).
To start the blogging new year off, I want to share a new book with you that I really enjoyed. It is entitled Betrayed, by Rhonda Gibb Hinrichsen. She is not just a friend of mine, but a fellow author who is very talented. Below is the review I posted in Goodreads:
I was immediately drawn into this story on the first page.
The author Rhonda Gibb Hinrichsen continued to keep me turning the pages as she
wove the story of a young girl who loses her family with that of a young women
faced with hard decisions concerning love. I don’t generally read romance
novels, but then I wouldn’t classify this as a strict romance novel. Betrayed
had a well-balance mix of action, suspense, and romance, making for a very
enjoyable read that I would easily recommend to a reader of all three genres.
I am very busy, and I have a history of finishing only a
fraction of the books I start reading. If a book doesn’t draw me in by the
first chapter, I don’t want to invest the time in a book I’m unsure I’ll like. But
I was delighted when I read Betrayed—it has been quite some time since I’ve found
a book that connected to me as a reader as this one did.
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