Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday Word: School

With my youngest daughter starting high school next week, it brings back memories of my high school days. I loved high school, but I know many of my classmates hated it. I think it boils down to the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. Novel concept, huh.
One of my favorite memories of high school was being on the newspaper staff. My senior year I had my own column: Carolyn's Corner. It gave me a chance to rant about things I found unfair and insipid, etc. I rememer it was fun to write. What was your favorite memory from high school?

                                                  (my school: Payson High)

as a rule
could be kind of cruel,
especially to those
who chose
to play the class fool.
But to those who worked hard,
went the extra yard
with assignment on time
and work that was fine,
they found school was fun,
and was sad when they were done.


  1. I agree. High school was fun because I could be very involved--games every weekend, loved my English classes, gymnastics and cheer. Glad when it was done though. Ready for something new.

  2. I was so sad when I finished college and still look back and wish I had an excuse to go back
