Wednesday, January 2, 2013

GOALS: he who shoots for nothing will surely hit

     A new year is before us. How exciting: a blank slate just waiting for us to fill it with experiences and creations. But nothing of substance will happen without planning. In the words of one of my high school teachers, "He who shoots for nothing with surely hit." GOALS. They are essential in a satisfying life.

     Writing my goals down helps me to focus on them better. I've decided to take that process a step further this year and write them in my blog--that way I'll have a permanent copy, (I always misplace things), plus I'll be motivated to work on them harder because now I'll be accountable to my readers.

     What are some of your goals for the upcoming year?
      Here are mine:

*Finish editing/polishing my middle-grade novel, Tree Boy by mid-February, begin the querying process and find an agent by the end of the year.

*Prepare my upper middle grade/YA novel, Literary Loom for self publication and release it by the end of April.

*Create a school-visit presentation focusing on the importance of historical fiction using puppets and       schedule some visits before the end of the school year to promote Literary Loom and Promises, (last year's publication).

*Begin editing of my NaNoWriMo novel (The second in the Tree Boy series), and prepare it to submit to my online critique group by the end of January when they will have finished with the first Tree Boy book.

*Interview Karin Adams (WWII East Germany survivor), capture her story, outline it, and begin writing the companion book to I Couldn't Serve Hitler before my dystopic novel, Bonded will be finished with my critique group and I will need another book to bring. (March to April). Put Bonded on the back burner for a while, as I need to make some major changes and I feel it will benefit both me and the manuscript by resting for some time.

*Complete historical research on Galelio, Newton, and Einstien for my second book in the Literary Loom series and begin writing it. (Summer)

*Make final edits as per Covenant Communication's instructions and prepare my I Couldn't Serve Hitler manuscript for its early 2014 publication.

*Figure out how to format my picture book, Hunter and upload it for sale as an e-book by mid-year.

*Complete two illustrations/pages per month for my next picture book, Crook and Nanny.

*Write, write, write. (Finish at least one of the two novels I will start this year, and get the other one close).

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