Friday, February 22, 2013

Tristi Pinkston's new book, My Name is Frankie

I'd like to spread the word about Tristi Pinkston's new book. She co-authored it with a man who has overcome 47 years of alcoholism and has now just received his eight-year chip from AA. My Name is Frankie is a real look into the life of an alcoholic, but also his miraculous rehabilitation. I would encourage you to check it out at and if you feel so inclined, spread the word via Facebook or whatever other means you have at your disposal? Everyone who is an addict or knows an addict should read this book. Here's the link, and I appreciate your help in spreading the word.

Author, Tristi Pinkston

Tristi is more than just a friend, she is also the editor of my book, Promises, and I'm currently working with her on the final revisions of my new book, Literary Loom--which is scheduled for release in April.

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