Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday's Word: NiNoCon

the dojo

NiNoCon. What is that you ask? An awesome online writers' conference that is going to take place on Saturday, February 4th. I've interviewed the amazing Ali Cross, the brains and force behind the conference, to help you learn some more about it.

As a debut author with your first book out there, and another on its way, I’m sure you are very busy. Why did you take on the task of orchestrating NiNoCon?
Because I have a hard time backing down from a challenge? Because Angela Kulig, who proposed we do the conference together, is very convincing? Probably both. But also because WriteOnCon is an awesome event, and I thought we needed more opportunities to gather and learn together in a similar fashion.

What does NiNoCon stand for? 
Ninja Novel Conference. Because every writer who’s dedicated to their craft is a ninja writer!

When did you first get the idea of doing NiNoCon?
I think Angela first talked to me about it in September, 2011. And that’s all it took!

How did you come up with your ideas of how to implement it?
I have a fairly reliable platform I use to visit weekly with ninja writers on my blog, so I felt confident in the HOW. The trick for me was how to find willing (and awesome) presenters to participate.

How difficult is it for people to participate in an online conference?
I think online conferences are tremendously easy to participate in—that’s the beauty of them! Come in your pj’s, cereal bowl in hand, and hang out with us, or watch later at your leisure and still benefit with the awesome information shared.

What do you hope participants will take away from the conference?
That they can have a black belt in awesome too! That the only thing that stands between them and achieving their publishing dreams is hard work and determination—two commodities we all possess and can strengthen over time. I want writers to have their minds opened to all the publishing possibilitie, to leave the conference feeling inspired and encouraged to think outside the box.
Is there any way for you to monitor how many people actually participate?
You know, I’m not sure there is. Well, I’m sure there probably IS a way—I just don’t know it!

How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing seriously for nine years now. Seems like so much longer than that! Feels like writing has always been a part of me.

What/who helped you the most in becoming an author?
The WHAT would be conferences, hands down. I have learned so much—mostly confidence and hope!—from the conferences (both online and in person) I have attended. The WHO would be my critique partners, both current and past, who believed in me enough to drag me through my down times and always encouraged me to keep, keep, keep on keepin’ on.
Thanks so much for helping to spread the word about NiNoCon, Carolyn! I appreciate you!

Now that you are excited and ready to participate, make sure you keep February 4th open and click on this link and return to it on  Saturday, February 4, 2012.


  1. Great interview. I know I'm excied for NiNoCon.

  2. Wonderful interview. I hope I can participate, at least for a portion.

  3. Thanks for introducing me to NiNoCon. Cool.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me, Carolyn. And for helping to spread the word about NiNoCon!


    ((hugs)) You're the best!
